All posts tagged: Bailey Lake

New Tax Reform Helps Low-Income

By Gabriel Tebow, Arts & Community Writer Bailey Lake, Graphic Designer President Barack Obama recently proposed new tax reforms intended to help middle-class America. The United States’ tax laws are currently riddled with loopholes that only the very rich can access. Because of this, middle-class citizens bear a heavier burden from taxes. In his State of the Union Address, Obama stated that both parties need to “work together to close those loopholes, end those incentives to ship jobs overseas, and lower tax rates for businesses that create jobs here at home.” The President also released a fact sheet, through the Press Secretary, that outlines “a simpler, fairer tax code that responsibly invests in middle-class…” The fact sheet is split into two sections: preventing the wealthy from using loopholes to avoid paying their fair share of taxes and helping the middle-class thrive financially. Currently the tax code allows typically wealthy families to hold money in the form of trust funds. Many people take advantage of this, and each year, hundreds of billions of dollars escape taxation. …